Jun 102011

This is why you do not leave fee back for your buyers on eBay.

  • You can’t leave negative feedback
  • You can only leave feedback for one transaction
  • They can leave you negative feedback for every item even though they might be on the same transaction.   My answer to this is I no longer combine invoices.
  • DSR’s are discriminatory against buyers that do not have a high volume of sales.
  • It is too easy for the buyer to falsely represent an accurate expectation of the dsr’s  ( I have received DSR scores of 1 across the board within 15 minutes of some purchases)


So, until eBay fixes their feedback system a seller should never leave feedback for a buyer.    After all, if we don’t go there to sell no one will be able to buy.


That is my eBay vent for the week.   It has been coming for a long time.   I just can’t wait to see the day when I no longer need to sell on eBay.

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