Games Workshop Update: New US and Canadian GW prices
Games Workshop has posted a list of their new US and Canadian prices. Below is a list of all the products that have changed price including the amount they have increased. A couple things to note, the average increase is ten percent, and the increase is unwarranted. This price hike comes not much more than a month after GW shares information on record profits. The price list sent contains US and Canada prices.
What in the world are they thinking? I do not believe the gaming community is going to put up with their bully tactics much longer. There are other game companies out there that do not grossly overprice their miniatures and some even have better rules set. I am not sure what typ of marketing this is, but I do know several of our local players are already angry with them about the prices of new models and the cancellation of metal codes. As direct result of this announcement one player burned his space marine army, and two others want me to sell theirs for them when I come back in June. Watch eBay for that. For a list of the price changes read on.